What speakers work well against a wall

I am moving to a new home and space constraints may force use of speakers against a wall.  I would appreciate recommendations for speaker products that work well in thus situation.  Thanks.
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Wide speakers with a large baffle will work best. To get really close to a back wall check out these...


Horns work well too. The importance is to minimize the frequencies going backwards (sound that wraps around the baffle). Horns do this by virtue of directivity and large baffles prevent mid range sound wrapping round the edges of the speaker cabinet.
What speakers work well against a wall
Lots of Linn speakers were in the old days, for small English units, the Isobarics, Kans, Sara may the newer one are too??

Cheers George  
Vandersteen VLR.....as close as a few inches from the wall.  In fact, they’re designed for such positioning.  Excellent sound!