Can I Stream Tidal to PS Audio Bridge II & to a Blue Tooth Device Simultaneously?

I’m considering buying a PS Audio Directstream Jr. with the Bridge II built in. I’d like to stream Tidal from a Droid tablet to the DSJ , which will be connected to my main system.  I'd like to stream that same signal to a Bluetooth stereo receiver that’s powering outdoor speakers.

Is this possible?

Thanks for any help in advance!
Thanks for your help on this. My audiophile rig is in my living room & there is an outside patio just on the other side of the room with some inexpensive Infinity outdoor speakers. We’d like to have the same music in both places.

I’m currently sending the CD players signal through my preamp’s RCA "tape outs" to a connected WiFi transmitter. It transmits across the room to a WiFi receiver connected to a stereo receiver’s CD RCA inputs. The patio speakers are hard wired the stereo receiver. This solution works like a charm.

Ultimately I want to use the Directstreem Jr. as a preamp directly connected to my power amp’s XLRs. I can send that same signal out through it’s RCA outputs to the WiFi receiver, but any volume adjustments on the DSJ will affect the levels on the stereo receiver. Was hoping not to have to do that balancing act.

I check with PS Audio & they recommend Roon, but I hate spending $120 a year to playback on mediocre outdoor speakers. I guess trying an inexpense Blue Tooth receiver is the only way to go. The Wifi transmitter & receiver are on their own private network, so I can’t send anything to them digitally.
I just figured out an inexpensive solution.  We are typically lounging around having  cocktails, or wallowing in the pool when the music is playing inside/outside, so there's no critical listening.  Therefore, I'm going to hook up a Chromcast Audio device on the outdoor receiver's RCA jacks & another into the Directstream Jr.'s optical inputs.  I can combine them together as a group with the Google Home app and then play Tidal to that group.

I've only read that this will work, but at only $70, it's worth a shot.  I've also read that Chromecast Audio sounds pretty good.

Thoughts, anyone?
Definitely give it a try. Roon is awesome by the way. I recommend the free trial followers by the $500 all in lifetime purchase. The annual is killer, the lifetime is worth it.