"Best" bookshelf/monitor for low-power amp?

I'm looking for recommendations to mate to a low-power 30wpc Red Wine 30.2 amp.

I was thinking moderately priced (no more than $5k used) high-efficiency monitors, for probably near-field-like listening. For a home-office application, so space is an issue and big ol' floorstanders will be too much. Digital audio only (via a DAC). Mix of music, jazz, classical, lots of female vocalists. Some rock for good measure. Okay, so, a little bit of everything. :-)

Room is 12x10x9 with glass on 3 sides (windows on 2, french doors on 3rd). Speakers will be able to be 2-3 ft from wall, bracketing french doors, shooting down longest axis at windows (with me and desk directly in front).

Currently on the chart, Zu Tone, GMA Callisto or Eos III. After that, I'm kinda stuck. I'd love to do something like a Harbeth SHL5 or Focal 1007 Be, but I'm worried that they'll just be "okay" with such a low powered amp (they're pretty inefficient).

Suggestions and input welcome. And yes, I know this is similar to other threads, but the caveat here is that I'm looking for "high-efficiency monitors" not just "best ever".

Thanks in advance ....
Looks like Reimer website is having some problems? Are they out of business?

Can anyone compare the Devore Gibbon 7.1 with the below?

Reordering the short list:

Reference 3A: MM De Capo i
Zu Tone

I'm interested in the Reimer's though. Just concerned they've imploded.

I've heard the Silverlines but was unimpressed. Nice speakers, but I was driving them with a SET and they just seemed like they'd be much happier with significantly more power. This was at a Cary dealer, btw, the 300SEI vs the 306 amp -- the latter, widely regarded as a not terribly refined Class D amp, blew away their very highly regarded SET. Personally, I just think the poor amp got sucked dry by those speakers, and I don't want it to happen with my tripath.

Triangles don't seem particularly efficient, nor the Ushers. Not that that's everything, but it's something. Again, my concern from the Silverline experience hits here too.

Anyway, anything else to throw in the hopper?

Thanks to all for the input ....
I have and love the Triangle Cometes. They are coherent from top to bottom and are quite sensitive and seductive and can be had for a song in the older ES model.
Here it is, 4 years later, and I have exactly the same question! It's funny, I guess I forgot all about this thread.

Anyway, since 2008, I bought Merlin speakers and then sold them. I'm in a bigger room now, and am currently running some Magnepan 3.7s.

So, why revisit? Well, I want to build out "System 2". This would be a desktop system, nominally, but one that I could run in the "main rig" if I absolutely need to (for testing, say), but would mostly sit in "free space" (no rear wall anywhere near them.

Here's what I'm looking at (from shortest to tallest, with 15" being the biggest I'm interested in for now):

Silverline Minuet Supreme Plus
Proac Tablette Anniversary
Reference 3a Dulcet
Neat Petite SX
Harbeth P3ESR (no bass)
Totem Element Ember (comes out next week)
Silverline SR 17 Supreme (may be too big)
DeVore Gibbon 3xl

Prices range from $700-$7000, which isn't terribly helpful, but I'm looking for the following, more or less in order:

Great resolution and detail
Dynamics & speed
Tube friendly (6ohms min, higher is better)
As much bass as I can get, given the other criteria

I will be running this with tubes and/or smaller desktop-sized integrateds mostly, and could be a mix of low-power tubes and/or oddball solid state amps.

More suggestions are always welcome!
Well, you know Tekton...I have Eric's Tekton 4.5s as my small desktop system speakers, they are fabulous in my 14x16 home office. All the attributes you require, a little more bass would be nice, but it is fast and tuneful in this environment. Eric has a couple of models that get deeper bass. I am using low-powered tube amps. Great sound.