Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects

I made some recent component upgrades and am seeking recommendations for upgrades to my stock power cables and interconnects (currently Blue Jean Cable). I am not looking for a particular sound or effect, but rather an improvement over what I have now. I am a novice without experience swapping cables so any advice is welcomed. I understand this is an issue of contention, but I am open-minded and would like to hear positive recommendations, and not arguments against cable upgrading (I am familiar with this position).

My system consists of:
  • Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated amplifier
  • Merrill Super12 Polytable turntable w/ Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
  • OPPO UDP-203 digital player
  • Vandersteen 2CE speakers
  • Furman IT-Reference 15i power conditioner
I am running into a dedicated AC line into a Porter Port outlet. I assume that the power cord from the outlet to the Furman would not need upgrading since it is being "conditioned" (I could be wrong).

What would be the recommended priority for upgrades (power cord (1st) vs. interconnect (2nd)? What brands are recommended. I want to limit the budget for both power cords and interconnects to $500 a piece.

Thanks in advance.

Buy the most expensive cables you cannot afford.  Then you can join the collective bunch of audiophiles who end up reassuring each other on their purchases.
I use Mogami 2549 in all my RCAs with either KLEI copper harmony or furutech 126g RCAs with ground floated / shotgunned at one end. See my system details. I’ve tried many power conditioners as I have some DC on the line and every one killed dynamics including PS Audio humbusters, power plants, furman and DYI. The only one that didn’t is the emotiva CMX-2. I use Mogami speaker cables also plus a porter port on a dedicated line. Like how the copper cables mesh with my Audio Refinement (YBA) gear, especially with my modified RP6 / Jasmine analog front end and ProAc Studio 148s. And I use signal cable magic power cable on all source components. I have yet to find a reasonably priced power cable that matches my Audio Refinement amp. 
Looking to avoid the nosebleed priced cables (hence my $500 cap) and the confirmation bias echo chamber. I'm a bang-for-the-buck type of chap, hence my solicitation of experienced listeners and cable acquirers.