Your Favorate JBL's from the 70's

My first pr of JBL's where L26 then L110 and finally L220.
I was 17 when my mother purchased the L220's for me.I must say the police where called several times for load music and for my Mother I'm sorry for
all the problems caused by me and these concert hall spkr's.
What's is your story?
I can't say they were my favorites (as many other JBL's were certainly better at the time) but I had a pair of full range JBL LE8T's that I built my own cabinets for and drove with a Dyna PAS-3 and a pair of Mark III tube amps (that doubled for guitar with a pair of D131's).

The little 8"ers didn't have much real top end but they were very clean, smooth, and punchy. I listened to them for hours on end for several years until I eventually sold them to a good friend who worked them into a nice car stereo.

That was about 35 years ago, I still have the D131's (reconed as D120F's) in my guitar system.
I owned the L19 and the L40 through high school and college(1979-1986). Loved them both, except, I never had enough power to make these babies jump. My onkyo tx2500mk2 only through a wimpy 40 watts/ch.I bought the JBL 3 way car speakers T-595 or T545 can't remember. These 3 ways were the best car speakers I ever heard and at 91 db they absolutely rocked. They magnetic assembly weight was just like their home speakers...Large and heavy!!! Today, I own a pair of L20T and L46 in a second system driven by my Luxman R-1070. I like the way the system sounds...not as good as my proac 2.5,MCcormack DNA2,Cj16ls, but it still rocks!!
I always wanted a pair of L212, but it never materialized. Hearing the Luxman separates driving the L212 (1979), Tom Petty's "Damn the torpedos" in the dealer showroom mesmerized me.
Still use a mint pair of 4311B's that I got from a radio station. Bruce Swedien used a pair of 4310's for most of his mixes so if you like 70s music...
Started out with a set of L-26's in '75. Bought a set of L-166's while still serving in the military in '79. Tried a set of 4312's in the 90's. Now have Wilson's in the main system, a set of L-166's in the basement hooked up to a Marantz 2252 receiver with a Denon CDP. Listened to it the other day while doing a woodworking project. I was smiling.
Started with a pair of Lancer 44's and upgraded to lancer 99,s in the early 70's and kept them for about 6 years. Recently I bought another pair of L 99's and plan to pair them with my refurbished Mac 1500 and AR XA for my classic/retro system.