Spay for CD

Is anybody had experimnent some liquid to be spray on CD, to help having a better readings of CD ?
What are your appreciations about them ? 
What do you think the product make, to have a better audition experience ?
Thank you ?
Dumb question?
Why is anyone (still) spending large sums of money on Compact Disc.
And, why are we (still) debating snake oil treatments to make them tolerable?

Pretty much the same reason so many audiophiles still have a love for vinyl and enjoy periodically adding to their collections and spend good sums of money to buy nice gear to play them.
Nothing so snake oil about most of, or at leas a good share of, the products we use to clean and take care of our valuable collections.
To each their own...Jim
I’m afraid there’s more to it than just cleaning and taking care of the CDs. That’s kind of the whole point. It’s because the REAL CD treatments, you know the ones, Optrix, Liquid Resolution, Auric Illuminator, Jena Labs, L’Art du Sond and a host of other sprays, liquids and enhancers actually IMPROVE the sound, not just clean the CD. Hel-loo! And the fact that they do improve the sound DEMONstrates a couple things - (1) CDs are not (rpt not) “perfect sound forever” and (2j even through the physical data on the CD cannot be altered the reading of the data by the CD laser can be improved. For starters the polycarbonate layer is only around 90% transparent. 

Weebeesdad - Sorry for the low response.  I try not to visit these forums too often.

The answer is that L'Art Du Son makes BOTH a CD cleaner/treatment and also a vinyl cleaner.  I've never tried the vinyl treatment, but I hear it is good.

I use the CD treatment on every new CD I buy.  When I first tried it, I would listen once before treating the CD (to judge the difference).  I've long-since stopped doing that, as it improves every CD to some extent or another. 

I've found that (physically) very well-produced CDs, like XRCDs and Reference Recordings are improved less dramatically than most.

I hope that helps 

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