Dear @nkj : Do it a favor and before you pull the trigger with Stevenson A try to understand how that kind of alignment degerades the cartridge signal against Lófgren A or B.
It does not matters which P2S you choosed the Stevenson A alignment has higher tracking distortions all over the recording grooves but the last 3-4mm inner grooves of a total around 90-92 mm.
So you have not advantages with that alignment but only severe degradation to the cartridge signal because those higher tracking distortions and you can't do nothing about.
The best way to go is to choose Löfgren A/B alignments using Dr. Feickert protractor. For me is the best way to go but it's up to you.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
It does not matters which P2S you choosed the Stevenson A alignment has higher tracking distortions all over the recording grooves but the last 3-4mm inner grooves of a total around 90-92 mm.
So you have not advantages with that alignment but only severe degradation to the cartridge signal because those higher tracking distortions and you can't do nothing about.
The best way to go is to choose Löfgren A/B alignments using Dr. Feickert protractor. For me is the best way to go but it's up to you.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,