Audio as a weapon

I would like to deviate a bit from the normal audio equipment conversation and delve into the phenomenon of the recent audio "weapon" that appears to have been deployed in Cuba upon State Department employees and now, it appears, in China. I know that very low frequency can be dreadful to listen to but anyone out there have any ideas with regard to how audio could be used as a weapon? It is not my intention to draw speculation of a political nature, I am only interested in the technical aspect of audio as a "weapon". Anyone have any thoughts?

@geoffkait , thank you once again for taking a interest in what I have to say. Matter is made of particles and particles are a vibration of a field, caries mass, and takes up space. Energy is the capacity to cause change and carries no mass and has capacity to do work when produced by matter. Realivistic mass or total energy is not the equivalent of rest mass, that is the inertial mass of object at rest, which is what you are stating. No new pseudo-physics are being claimed by my post...

@geoffkait , thank you once again for taking a interest in what I have to say. Matter is made of particles and particles are a vibration of a field, caries mass, and takes up space. Energy is the capacity to cause change and carries no mass and has capacity to do work when produced by matter. Realivistic mass or total energy is not the equivalent of rest mass, that is the inertial mass of object at rest, which is what you are stating. No new pseudo-physics are being claimed by my post...

>>>Actually, I’m not (rpt not) claiming/stating relativistic mass or total energy is equivalent to rest mass. What I said was, according to the famous Einstein equation, energy and mass are related by E=mc2, so one can CALCULATE the equivalent Energy of a given Mass. But that does not (rpt not) mean mass is the same thing as energy. And just because a mass vibrates at some frequency doesn’t alter the fact that it’s mass. It doesn’t mean the mass is energy.

Mass CAN be converted to energy using fusion or fission, obviously, or by burning. Mass is not just another form of energy. Also, I didn’t really say pseudo-physics, but point well taken. 😀 A black hole is purely mass, sometimes 3 billion solar masses of mass. But there is no energy, only mass, spin and electrical charge, which is probably zero. And gravity is a consequence of mass, not energy. The gravity waves detected a couple years ago, the so called ripples in spacetime, were produced by mass, not energy.
Thank you for your insight geoffkait, If you would like to start your own thread regarding these topics I would be interested.  If you do, start a thread, and I am not posting please PM me so I can join in... I never said mass vibrates, you have.  I stated that all matter is made up of particles that are arranged in particle fields that are vibrating. Einstein has interesting views on relation of matter/energy...

@falconquest , I am done with physics debate/thread jack with geoffkait and would very much like to return to your topic  "audio as a weapon".

You might have a point. All photons and actually all atomic particles and all non atomic objects, even bowling balls, behave like particles and waves, e.g., Double Slit Experiment. Whether that’s the same thing as saying particles exist in vibrating particle fields, or whether that’s the same as saying mass is really energy I’ll leave that to the student.
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