DENAFRIPS DAC ---- Owner Impressions, Feedback, General Discussion, Questions and more....


DENAFRIPS lists the following R2R DACs:

Ares, Pontus, Venus, and Terminator (in increasing price order).

"DENAFRIPS incorporated in year 2012, focus in developing high end audio equipment at a very affordable price. Throughout the years of intense Research & Development, and continuous improvement of the product lines, DENAFRIPS had finally settled with the current product range equipped with R-2R ladder DAC technology. The reason behind this is the designer strongly believe that R-2R DAC is the best way to reproduce music.

The name, DENAFRIPS, stand for:


This mean a lot and it is the house-sound of all DENAFRIPS products." [Copied From Denafrips About Us section]

Interesting DAC. I have followed this thread for a few days now. So was wondering what’s up with the guys at Audiostream. They compared 4 DACs and found the Terminator to be "confusing". Because Denafrips don’t advertise in their rag?

To me when a system get really good at resolving, it a bit like big screen tv’s. The flagship tv models are magnificent with HD input but are worse than the same size low end model with SD input.

Same to me goes for audio, the better the component the better it is on great recordings, but they sound rubbish on bad recordings.
It’s like the other not so great component, throws a ban-aid on the music to equalise good from bad recordings like the low end tv above does.

This statement from the reviewer kind of say that to me.
" The Denafrips won the award for the most confusing DAC as you never knew what you’d get from a recording when played through it!
Read more at "

Cheers George
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milpai & georgehifi---interesting comments. I have found pretty much the opposite--the better the DAC (or perhaps any link in the chain) the better the marginal recording sounds. I am now listening to the Denafrips Venus, and compared to my previous DAC, the MHDT Stockholm 2, I find more detail, much better sound stage, more dynamics, a slight loss of warmth. My general sense is that the more your system can "get out of the way", that is, the less noise your components add to the stream, the better the recording sounds. Overall, I think that playback gear is catching up to digital recording and allowing a more representative image of whats on the disc. Just my $.02

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@drrnc2 I have found pretty much the opposite--the better the DAC (or perhaps any link in the chain) the better the marginal recording sounds.

Well said, Rich.  During our get togethers at Vinh's that assertion held up.  We listened to recordings of differing quality, and in every case, the better conduit sounded better.

@jayctoy You made a wise move with the Ares.  Along the lines of the 4 products lining up so closely, the sub $700 one is the absolute no-brainer, and most obvious choice.  One gives up very little, even to the Terminator.  Of course, the chassis and overall aesthetic step forward as one moves up the ladder, if one considers those attributes critical