Linear Tube Audio at Axpona

I would love to hear from folks who had a chance to check out the Linear Tube Audio gear at the show (Teajay?)? I'm very interested in the new ultra linear amp which got good advance notice here at Audiogon, and the preamp which seems a refinement of the microzotl.
The new Ultralinear is a home run, sensational transparency along with the LTA characteristics of tone, timbre/color, and soundstage!
OK, After a visit to LTA today I left with a preproduction MicroZOTL Preamp. I only have a few days before I have to return it but After only a few minutes I can say it clearly superior to my MZ2. This is killing me. Now I’m going have to buy one.

I just received this week a pair of Decware HR-1 speakers.  I am considering purchasing either a Decware amp like the TorIll Jr or Torll Mk4.  I am also considering  a ZOTL10.  I own the MZ2 and love that amp.  Lancelock, I saw from a previous post when I did a search that you are familiar with amplifiers from both of these companies-would appreciate if you could compare the sound from these two companies
            In what ways did you find the new preamp superior? I also have the MZ2 currently.

I have a pair of Decware ERRx radial speakers and I was surprised at how loud the one watt of the MZ2 would go. If you haven’t tried it then power the HR-1s with the MZ2 just to hear what it can do. The quality of the sound is amazing.

I have extensive experience with both Decware and LTA amps. I have owned the Tori 3 and the flagship ZMA. Once I plugged in the ZOTL40 I had to sell the ZMA. The big difference was transformer haze. There was huge veil lifted with the LTA gear.

I have tried 3 different LTA amps with the ERRx speakers and all 3 bested the sound of the Decware amps. I’m not saying Decware amps are bad at all but I much prefer the ZOTL sound.