Axpona 2018

Went again this year and found the show to be larger, higher quality sounding rooms than previous shows. I have been to many brick and mortar stores which have good sounding rooms, but at Axpona this year many rooms were better sounding than their store show rooms!

My best sounding large room was the VAC/Von Schweikert Audio/Esoteric, room. The Wilson room with the DCS stack was also very good. My best small room, and there were many, was the Gershman Accoustics room, their new speakers were sounding great with top end electronics. Also, I was impressed with NOLA room again.


There was definitely some amazing stuff at the show!  Two of the systems that impressed me the most were the Ayon/Lumenwhite and the PranaFidelity.

As far as I'm concerned the Ayon/Lumenwhite is probably the best sounding system I've ever heard.  Too bad it's way out of my price range.

I had never heard of PranaFidelity before but I really liked what I heard.  The 'bookshelf' speaker just blew me away and it's a two-way.  I want a pair of those!

The Salk speakers with the Accutron drivers were very nice.  I could live with a pair of those quite easily.

The Fritz speakers were quite nice.  I'd like to see Fritz make a 3-way or 4-way floorstander similar to a Legacy Audio Focus SE or Signature SE.

Speaking of Legacy Audio, I'm a big fan of their speakers.  Wonderful stuff!

I don't care for horn designs so I didn't care for the Volti room.  Too bright and harsh for my ears.  There was another room that had a pair of horn design speakers (can't remember the brand/name of the speaker) but they were also bright and harsh sounding to me.

I heard the Tektons and liked what I heard.  Not bad!  I wouldn't mind having a pair of them.  I'll pass on the orange paint job though.  I prefer to see wood.  That's one of the reasons I like Salk and Daedalus; the cabinetry is killer!
I do believe that Tekton can and will still do wood veneer,you might Inquire with them.

 Joseph Audio/Rowland/Cardas- I head these in the hallway and thought someone was playing a piano in the room. NO, just the Pearl S3s, Cannot get it out of my head.Was disappointed that AXPONA did nothing for my two $25 tickets for us veterans or seniors, and I told the so.
It is interesting how differently people hear things. With all of the hype for Tekton, I was very eager to hear them. I was there all three days and stopped in the room for a listen half a dozen times to try to get a wide range of music to listen to. I even got to listen to a couple of songs that I brought with me. They never made me say, "I have to buy those". In fact, I thought several speakers in their price range were better, including the Monitor Audio Silver floorstanders, Totem Sky, Vehement Audio monitors, and both of the offerings from LSA. YMMV. 

At even lower prices, both the Vanatoo and Riva rooms sounded very good for those on a tight budget. 

I went into the room with the Maggies 3 times, one was ok, but on two occasions, they sounded worse than I have ever heard a Magnepan speaker sound. And I have heard Maggies many times. On top of that, I normally like the Silnote rooms, so it is a head scratcher. Maybe I was in there at the wrong time. 

I agree that the Prana monitors were very good, a true pleasant surprise. There were more good sounding rooms than normal. I also really liked the Magico A3, the Thrax room, Kharma, both of the Tidal rooms, Lumen White, Eikon, and Legacy. There were many others that sounded good also that I can't recall offhand, but overall the show was very good.