Amp and preamp for dq10s

I have a McIntosh 2205 powering them now and feel there is something missing. Any thoughts on a powerful unit 200 watts a channel with great mid and high with solid base. My taste in music is jazz and acoustic guitar easily driven music. The room is 12x15 but open to kitchen and hallway . Ceilings are 8ft
thanks for your thoughts.
I have a nicely restored pair of DQ-10's with upgraded x-overs. Amps I own and recommend: Acoustat TNT, Bedini 150/150, BEL1001, GAS Son of Ampzilla, Muse 100, Odyssey Khartago, Perreaux 1250B, Quad 405, Spectro Acoustics 500, Sumo Andromeda. The DQ-10's are a difficult low impedance load and require an amp with sufficient current. Any of the above vintage SS amps will make them sing!
The first pair of "high end" audio speaker I ever bought was the Dq10s I still have them, I've upgraded them like the poster before me, I'll be honest I never gave them a ton of power and they always sounded great, I've paired them with a couple mono 100watt tube amps with good success, I've ran them with a mc7300 had good success. The best results i actually had was the McCormick DNA 1, my buddy was running them with a couple moded mono hafler amps and they sounded good as well.