subwoofers and panels don't mix

i have yet to experience a subwoofer that mated well with a panel speaker--ribbon, stat and planar magnetic.

each time i have heard a combination of a cone driver with a panel it sounds like two speakers. the blend is not seamless.

can anything be done to make the transition from cone to panel sound like a one speaker system, rather than reveal 2 different driver types ?
"crossed over at 35Hz" !!

IMHO, a subwoofer that can't go higher than that, unloading the main speakers, is just as bad as one that can't go lower than 35 Hz. Sometimes audiophiles seem to get into a contest as to whose SW is crossed over lower. It reminds me of a Hoot Owl that lived at the nearby Audibon park. It would hoot back at you IF you hooted at a lower pitch. The hoot would go back and forth until the bird was as low as it could go.
I have Ribbons/Hybrid the Superslim 1800se speakers from and the Castle Classic Active Subwoofer, it required patience and time to get them perfectly well-integrated, seamless spectrum. I think ribbons and dynamic Sub Woofers can match perfectly well, it is a matter of adjusting and regulating. Best, Antonio Machado.
Thanks a lot, Ojgalli. I just spent ninety minutes dialing in my sub using the Rives CD2 and the Radio Shack meter. I forgot just what this would do to my two channel.

You are the coolest.
Hmmm... I know this thread is a bit old, just for others reading this and if you haven't gotten anything yet, I recommend the Hsu HO. I may have some of the problems described above but it sounds pretty darn good to me! Using test CD (Stereophile #2) and Radio Shack meter it wasn't hard at all to make it flat with some fiddling.

Try Tarzan (Phil Collins version) track 1 first minute, or Dark Side of the Moon track 1 first minute, then tracks 2 and 3... The Hsu with Magnepans will blow you away! Anyone else using these two together who thinks the Hsu is too slow? It could be, but I can't find a track where it is obvious. It just blows you away!!!! If someone thinks these aren't a great match, what is a track where I can try to detect it?
hi lightminer:

thanks for your comments re the hsu.

i have been advised to use only a rel with a panel speaker.

i have not heard the hsu with magnepans. magnepan has designed a woofer, based upon the mg 20.1, for use with other magnepans. this panel woofer goes down to 40 hz. it is not a "sub" woofer, and perhaps magnepan will design a panel driver which goes below 40 hz. if so, problem solved.