“ Don’t ask me what I think of you , I might not give the answer that you want me too “! I’m with Chayro , I saw - Rory Gallagher -  Fleetwood Mac - Deep Purple together . Also saw the “ Girls “ too . Lindsey came through here some time back on a solo tour . Life’s in session and everything changes . Thanks for the Flashback , Mike B. 
One of my all time favorite bands and I hate to say it, but they will not be the same without LB no matter who they replace him with.

This is very sad news but doesn't surprise me with the history of the band. There will never be another band like FWM period so we should enjoy the music they had together........
I've been a Fleetwood Mac fan since the days of Bob Welch & Danny Kirwan, who was also fired by the band. Fleetwood Mac is one of the most resilient groups to ever take the stage. Their success and appeal has spanned over a half a century. 

I agree, Lindsay Buckingham is a highly talented guitarist, but his personality can create stress and strife for the other bandmates. I fully support the band's move because I want to milk every last year out of these guys as I can, as a fan. 

I'd rather they go on without him, than for him to PO the others and cause a rift that leads to their breaking up. Buckingham will land on his feet somewhere. I'm looking forward to the new tour.
Now you have everyone
Chiming in on this soft soft staying on the right lane at all times band. 
  Maybe Finn can bring some life to the band.