Townshend Maximum Super Tweeters Ribbons, Amazing Results Definite Keepers

i am using various cd players as i am upgrading but i have kept the lector cdp707 in now fora week or so, a dealer friend brought round a pair of Max Super Tweeters, he connected them up in less than 2 mins using the supplied cables, he set the level at 3 from a choice of 1-6, we sat down and i played one of my all time favorites Neil Young Comes a Time 
i now this album very well but not heard it like this before, the attack of the guitars, the extra resolution and bite of the guitars was nothing short of amazing, there was more snap to the drum beat, the top end is so much more realistic and enjoyable, while the mid range has gained resolution and body, the vocals are very natural sounding but also revealing, the bass seems to have improved, there is definitely more of it
its early days but im keeping them and i am very happy with level 3, my speakers are soundlabs dynastats,
Is anyone else using Maximum Super Tweeters ? and are your findings the same or similar to mine i am really happy with mine its another case of how did i live without them all comments and experiences are very welcome thank you
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@ddunne83     So, what are you opinions of these super tweeters thus far?  This thread has peaked my interest, but rather than jumping into the deep end immediately, I opted to dip my toes first by purchasing these.

If the results are good then I will likely purchase the Townshends or the TakeT Batpro 2.

I am interested in hearing critiques from people who have used or are using these or similar products.
Thoughts after a few weeks:

- Not what I expected, for better or for worse! :)  I used to have some Apogee speakers with a very large ribbon, that really beamed the sound intensely right at you...sometimes I liked this, and I was expecting some of that...these don't do that, I suspect because the ribbon is much smaller and operates at a higher frequency range.

- It can be hard to discern if the super tweeters are doing anything, sometimes!  Again, could be good or bad.  If I turn the super tweeters off, the speakers still sound good on their own.  If I turn them on, still the same sound signature, but everything stepped up a notch!  If I turn just one side on and the other side off, you get a fairly strong "pull" to the side that is on...this is how I can tell they are definitely doing "something."  If you play the super tweeters on their own, you get faint "music" playing through them.

The comments above may seem like they are not worth it.  I suppose that is debatable.  I didn't find the improvement to be super-dramatic, as if changing speakers...but they did seem to IMPROVE the speakers, much or moreso than changing an amplifier or preamp.  So if you like your speakers now, you'll probably like them even a little more if you add the super tweeters.  If you're looking for a vastly different sound, these aren't going to provide that, just improve what's already there.

I don't have golden ears and I have ZERO room treatments, and even some acoustic instruments in the room (adding resonance), so I may not even be hearing all they can do, but I DO definitely notice a difference/improvement throughout the speakers' frequency range.  Somehow the super tweeters seem to improve the PRAT (pace, rhythm, and timing...not sure how this is possible) and add to the realism of the sound and add slightly more air.  Cymbals definitely a bit more natural sounding as well.  

Hope that helps!  Interested to hear from others as well :)
Somehow the super tweeters seem to improve the PRAT (pace, rhythm, and timing...not sure how this is possible) and add to the realism of the sound and add slightly more air.
Deployed correctly this is exactly what you should hear. If you can hear more sizzle or audible HF then you've likely got the ST turned up too high or the crossover too low. When correctly set up you shouldn't be aware that the ST are on, in terms of frequency balance that is. What you will hear are crisper leading edges to percussion and percussive bass (e.g. the fingers on a bass guitar) -- all of which contributes to the PRAT you correctly describe.

This is based on my experience with the Sopraninos -- most recently after a year or so with them I've realized they sound even better dialed down 3dB -- once I addressed some room issues with near to ear reflections I realized I was hearing too much from the STs, sometimes you think it's nice to have a bit more HF on a disc but when you switch the 3dB back up again it's obvious it's audibly etchy and unnatural

So rather like subwoofers these sorts of things work best when you're not even sure they're on