Sister's wants music system without the hassles!

Evening Goners',

My Sister loves to come over to listen to my system but when i try to explain it to her [she asked!] her eyes glaze over...

I have a nice pair of mint Red Rose R3 [the man!] speakers that i would love to put together an all in one system for her moderate budget!!
Amp, Preamp, dac, cd player, possible streaming , phono outlet .

She's an Analog gal but , with the right component, might venture into digital down the road.
Not anything complicated, just push a few buttons and sit back...:-)

Thanks to all who respond and i will then look each up...

Have you looked at the Cary Aios? I heard it last year and was surprised at how good it sounds. I wasn't expecting it to be any better than your typical receiver but it's quite a bit better than that and it seemed to have a lot of convenience features.
Hi Azjake,

check Electrocompaniet EC Living.
It is all in one AB class amp, speakers, streamer, USB player, Optical and SPDIF input, DAC, Internet radio... which can be controlled via mobile phone. It can easily fit your budget and is very convenient for use. No speaker cables or interconnects are required. Everything goes wireless.
Not to mention that this system is not only designed, but as well assembled and made in Norway, so quality is not an issue.
I found this system fantastic for simplicity of usage and quality of sound, and everyone who heard it on demonstration had nothing else but words of praise for it.
+1 Robert 53

The Outlaw RR2160 apx $800 has recently received great reviews.  It is the one I am considering getting

Here is Steve Guttenberg's review:
eyes glaze over!?!*&^???????

simple yamaha receiver with a pair of elac or audio engine speakers.