Is There Greener Grass For Me?

I have owned an Onkyo TXSV515PRO for about 15 years. I have upgraded most other components in a modest AV system, but not the Onkyo. We use the AV system for audio only as it relates to TV programming and DVD play – there is no CDP involved – all music being played in a separate, dedicated 2-channel room.

Currently, the system consists of:
TV - Mitsubishi WS-65413 – 65” projection
Front Speakers – PSB Stratus Goldi’s
Rear Speakers – PSB Alpha Mini
Center Channel (own but not currently used) – PSB 9C
DVD - Zenith DVB318

Now. I am not trying to assemble a SOTA system in any way, shape, or form. However, I do not care much for the separation provided by the Onkyo, especially front to rear balance (regardless of how the speakers are positioned). Too, if something like a great performance on Soundstage or an audio DVD is used, the sound is a bit thin when cranking the volume. I’ve had these speakers in two-channel systems and they are not exactly what I’d call thin. As such, I am wondering if I could improve things much by using a different power/processor – or maybe given the level of all else I should just leave things alone.. I’d STRONGLY prefer a one-piece unit, as opposed to separates, due in part to space limitations. Don’t need a tuner which is provided in the Onkyo receiver. Appreciate suggestions in the $2K new, $1K used range. Obliged to all for their consideration – whether or not you choose to respond.

I don't know anything about the TXSV515Pro, but I would guess that it is an older pro-logic unit based on age. That said, a good modern HT receiver, integrated or separates is going to be a considerable step forward. Your front-rear seperation issue will likely be solved by Dolby Digital 5.1 for DVD and digital high-def programming and by Dolby PL-II for other TV/VHS. These surround formats are much better than the old pro-logic. If you do buy a new receiver/processor, I would highly recommend adding the center channel speaker back into the system if you can accomodate it in your space.

As far as recommendations, well, I'm typically on the fringe of mainstream.

I would personally really like to try a Linar Model 10 5.1 channel integrated amp. However, it does not have processing, so it would work great with a DVD player that had 6-channel analog outputs, but would require a processor for DVD players that don't have internal processors and for TV. And it's $2000 used.

For a one box solution, I would probably recommend a B&K receiver. I've owned the AVR-202 on 3 different occassions. However, the user ergonomics are odd (IMHO) and it does not have DPL-II. Maybe the next newer B&K receiver would be the answer.

Considering the age of your current receiver, you may get a performance increase from about any current quality HT receiver. You might want to jump on a good used bargain HT receiver and see if it is an improvement. If it is, decide if investing additional money is necessary to get you to the next step. If you go with a low-mid priced unit, I would suggest looking at units that have auto-calibration. It will greatly ease setup. Some examples of good inexpensive HT receivers with auto-calibration are Pioneer VSX-1016TXVK ($369 at J&R)(which I have owned) or Onkyo TX-SR703 (which I currently own). Both are decent sounding units and are relatively easy to use. Heck, I just bought my Onkyo used for way less than 50% of MSRP and could re-sell it tomorrow here or on eBay, maybe even at a profit.

One other suggestion: If you go with a modestly priced unit, I would take your savings and invest in a sub-woofer. Dolby Digital 5.1, THX, and other discrete surround modes have a discrete LFE (low frequency effect) channel. Adding a sub will maximize your experinece (IMHO).



Thanks for the very thoughful and well reasoned answer. Because I will never get into HT in a big way (with respect to sound production, anyway), I have firmly decided to go with a single unit. Some sort of integrated processor/amp would be ideal in my case. Specific suggestion regarding well rated units fully appreciated.

I have thought of a sub in the past. However, my past experience with subs has been that buying a cheap sub is worse than no sub at all and I have not been able to justify the dough to add a good one on the HT side of things. I have Vandersteen 5's in my 2-channel system, so not sub needed, there. :-)
Your Gold's have no need for a sub. Nice speakers all around. However, keep in mind that with 5.1 sound, by routing all of the bass to the front speakers, you may be overtaxing your amp. Bass is very power hungry. Even though the Golds can handle it, you may get better sound with 50-100 quality watts and spending the difference on a sub?
I agree with TIC that a 202 will crush your Onkyo! However, I hate the remote... Also, DPLII is very nice to have compared to original pro-logic.
Other nice receivers out there are Denon, Rotel, Arcam, NAD & Marantz. You could get some decent seperates for $1k to 2k also. Check out spearit-sound. NAD gear is a steal there and will make you wonder why you didn't scrap the Onkyo years ago.
Would you do better spending $1900 on an NAD amp/pre-pro combo or on a B&K 505 receiver and a $700 velodyne sub? Good question??? My opinion would be to get the best you can at that time and leave room to upgrade, ie buy the seperates now and add a sub in the future if you need it!
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