Mofi Ultra Tracker, reviews, opinions?

I can't seem to find much about the Mofi line of cartridges, in particular the Ultra Tracker.  Any reviews or opinions are appreciated.
No, I just got a good Christmas deal for the table and cartridge. I'm going to enjoy it as it is, and when the time comes, I'll make an assessment and choose. As for now, I can safely say that I'm not hearing anything that would prompt me to change it.
Spenceroo- I'm sure it's an excellent table....enjoy!  My last question referring to fixed income was for the OP. (-:
Rest of system:  Teres 265 TT; Moerch 12" Arm; Herron Audio Tube Phono Preamp; ML 380S Preamp; Wired4Sound Amp; and Emerald Physics 2.0 Speakers.  The Ultra Tracker is on-order.