RMAF 2014 Observations

I made it back from RMAF and over the three day period I think I saw and listened to almost every room/demonstration. Since I am contemplating a potential new loudspeaker in the next year or so, I focused on loudspeakers. Here are my thoughts including my top five rooms and my worst of show rooms too. Preface: These are my observations only and subjective to my ears only - everyone has different tastes and observations and if you like a certain loudspeaker or sound then its right for your ears!

Caveat: I used the side one of Dead Can Dance 'Into the Labyrinth' as my test music. I was allowed to play it in all rooms except the Raidho and Voce rooms which wasn't using vinyl set ups, but did have mp3's of the record.

5th best sound/room: Voce Audio Loudspeakers with Plinius electronics: This sound was all sparkle yet very detailed and musical. Bass overloaded the room some, but this was a room issue. Great imaging and sound staging. Build quality of the loudspeaker was world class. Reminded me of Rockports.

4th: HWS: Horning Eufrodite Loudspeakers with TW Acustic analog front end and electronics with Tron preamp. This was the most enjoyable room at RMAF. Great music, no audiophile recordings and just plain fun. There was a remarkable relaxed quality about the Hornings and for the money probably not a better bargain. Jeff Catalano is a first class guy and most audiophiles would be hard-pressed to find better person to do business with. This system just 'worked.'

3rd: Audio Alternative: Vandersteen 7, ARC electronics and Brinkmann turntable with Lyra Atlas cart. This was a spectacular room. Other than the bass being a little bloated at times and on certain recordings, the Vandersteens did it all. Incredibly musical, images were solid and 3-D and soundstage width was wall to wall. Soundstage height a little low for my tastes, but I am nitpicking here.

2nd best sound: Raidho loudspeakers with Constellation Audio electronics. This was craziest room to visit. It was like a magic act. New Raidho X1 mini-monitors with stands for $8K. In this room set up, they sounded better than the D1's! Incredible purity and soundstaging. Non-fatiguing and very musical. And the bass was exceptional. I could not believe there wasn't a subwoofer hidden somewhere. I am betting these super small cabinets got down to 30 cycle bass in the room.

Best of Show: AAAudio Imports: Lancshe 5.1 loudspeakers with Ypsilon electronics and Thales turntable with Ikeda cart. This was the best sound I may have ever heard. On all types of music. Soundstaging and air was phenomenal. Extremely musical with no grain at all. Tonal balance from top to bottom was perfection. Plasma corona tweeter gave detail to recordings I have yet to here in my room at home. Was it a match of components or a perfect room (it was a large room)? I don't know but it was fantastic and I will definitely want to listen to some again. Only draw back is that the corona tweeter lasts for around 5000-7000 hours and needs to be replaced.

Honorable Mention: I didn't hear a Joseph Audio room I didn't like. Jeff Joseph is definitely doing something right!

Underwhelmed sound: Wilson Audio room with Sashas and the big VTL monos was very dynamic and detailed. But just something about the brightness to my ears of Wilson speaker and the thin midrange. I can certainly see why many would like this set up, it was just not for me.

More underwhelmed sound: Polymer Audio room - just plain analytical and boring. Great build quality though.

Even more underwhelmed sound: The two rooms with Focal Grand Utopias with either VAC or Soulution electronics. Both of these rooms were very average in my opinion. Soundstaging was two dimensional and only between the two loudspeakers. Very disappointing.

Worst of Show: Aesthetix and Focal Mezzo Utopias. This room was horrid. It had to be the set up. Soundstaging was horrible, detail was missing and bass was bloated. If I was either manufacturer, I would have been pissed at how this room was set up.

Again, these are just my opinions based on my ears and listening preferences. Feel free to add thoughts from people who were there and what they liked and disliked.

I certainly admire everyone in the business who work tremendously hard to set up rooms and put on a show for three days. Cudos to everyone who had rooms there.
10-16-14: Larrystain
It's amazing how two people can react so differently to the same thing. I felt that the Lancshe speakers with Ypsilon sounded veiled and dull.
I don't think you read my post correctly -
* firstly I was talking about the Lansche 7.0 & not the Lansche 5.1
* secondly I was talking about my experience from 2013 - last year.
Read that post again. thanks.
Bombaywalla -

I heard the DEQX room and fankly it wasn't very impressive. The host kept switching back and forth between DEQX and non-DEQX sound so quickly it became annoying. I'm not sure I heard any difference when using it and not. I definitely agree with you on time-coherence though. It was just probably not a very good demo.

The Odyssey and Conincident rooms were very nice - not memorable enough for my top 5, but I definitely thought the sound was very good in those rooms.

Sanders Sound and German Physik's rooms were OK - but nothing spectacular. Both had lots of air, but little else for me.

I think I missed the Olive Audio room with Guru speakers. Doesn't ring a bell....
Goldenrayguy - no slight at all! Two of my best friends have Avantgrade Duo's - one with EAR gear and the other with BAT. Both systems sound great! I can see why you love horns - dynamics top notch!
Larrystain - it is indeed a subjective experience. I loved the Lansche room. Nothing really came close for me. But that is why these shows have over 200 rooms (flavors) to choose from!
Dev -

Yeah the NOLA room was good. One thing I figured out though is near the end of the day, I am so fatigued and listened to so many systems, I could come across some fantastic ones in the late afternoon and might not know it. The same systems may sound great when I am fresh in the mornings and recharged.

I sensed the Focal / VAC room was for the VAC's desperately trying to come out of those speakers but were not allowed. Certainly the VAC's sounded much better than the Soulutions next door.

That Nordost demo room was really cool. The Nordost guys did a very good presentation on cables and how they make a difference in sound. And did they ever demonstrate it as well as isolation importance. I'm now a true believer!

I missed out on seminars and meeting people from other forums as I got caught up in my first show by all the rooms. I regret it - next year I am making a point to meet some of the forum members who have been such a great resource for myself over the years.