Budget American made speakers?

Can anyone recommend a decent sounding American made bookshelf speaker under $1000.  Is there such a thing?
Im starting to put together what you guys would call a "budget system".  I am planning on buying a rogue shpinx v2, but havent made a decision that yet. 
I typically try to buy American first but im finding it hard to find speakers within my price range.
+2 on Omegaloudspeakers

Budget would be Super 3I

I would say push the budget to the Super 7MK II.  

I have owned both.  Currently with the Super 7MK II.  Worth every penny.

There's actually an American Made Audio web page.  Not sure how up to date or accurate it is but there are quite a few companies.

Omega look nice. Not much of a used market. Everyone must be happy with them and keep them. 

Jon yeah saw that website. Spent some time on there.