Is my Amp OK?

I recently bought brand new speakers - Revel f208. Using them with Cary Audio DMS-500 DAC and Rotel RB-1590.

While I love the sound I am getting, and I am 100% sure the speakers and DAC are great, I feel that I can do better with the Amp. True? If so, what do I get to replace the Rotel RB-1590?
Sorry thyname, I meant Virtual systems on Audiogon. I was being rushed to finish my post and did not proof read. 

Thanks folkfreak for the assist.
It is well respected, measurements here:
The question is: will you hear a difference (and is that difference an improvement)? My guess is that if you compare them under controlled conditions, you will not hear any difference, and that is how it should be: straight wires with gain.
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