VAC Signature MKiia SE vs standard MKiia

Strongly considering upgrading our MKiia to the SE.  From those who have assessed the two versions, what are the sonic attributes the SE provides over the standard MKiia?  

If it were me, I’d ask mr. Hayes. In fact, I’d ask Kevin regardless what was said here. But that’s just me.

BTW, if you would post back with those results, I would be very grateful.

Definitely research this and exercise some caution, I would advise.  I know that member "Gwalt" here upgraded his VAC Ren Sig IIa to SE status, and did not like the change in the preamp's sonic character.  He explained to me that the preamp just simply sounded more "solid state-like" than before, losing the hint of beguiling romance that made the original a winner for him.  He sold it as a result.  FWIW.

I owned the Ren Sig II and was considering such an upgrade, but Gary's experience with the change in character dissuaded me.  Such a shift in voicing would not work right in my system.
Kevin and I have spoken regarding the upgrade (the improved input transformers used in the Statement Line, input signal routing and phono circuit layout enhancements, etc., and generally what one might expect in terms of sonic changes).  Was just curious what others with comparative experience may have heard.    

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Thought I would "bump" on this.  Always helpful to hear experiential thoughts from the court of public opinion!