Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?

I am presently using a McCormack DNA 0.5 REV "B" to drive
the speakers which is very clear but I was wondering what
else is out there that would be better in terms of bass. I'm using a Krell CD player which is known for bass and
is connected directly to the amp. Any suggestions? Thanx.
Heard NAD C370, DNA225(?), CJ PV10+MF2300A and none could beat the ASL Hurricane. Not even close.
The Maggies definitely perform best with tons of current. I have heard most of above suggestions and if you can afford it the Bryston 7BSTs (or SSTs) are definitely the way to go. A notch down but still very good would be the Bel Canto Evo4 in stereo mode or two Evo2s, a Bryston 4BST or SST, Belles 350A, and now that they are going cheap maybe the Aragon Palladium 1K monoblocks. I have not heard the big Pass X350 or X600 with the Maggies but if you have very deep pockets that might be a interesting combination.
I just hooked mine up to an Audio Research VT 200. WOW! The Maggies do really crave good clean power. And lots of it.
I just purchased a new pair of 3.6 Maggies. I am currently using an Anthem MCA3 to power up. I am looking for advice regarding monoblocs or stereo amp. I would like to buy used as i spent most of the money on the speakers! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Blaine Davy
If you want solid state, I found VERY good synergy with Pass Labs, Parasound JC-1's and GamuT amps.

Good luck!

PS - I do sell one of the brands mentioned.