Please help me chose a tube preamp

I have an opportunity to buy an  Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage amp, I need to know what you all think of it, please.
I do not want to buy something based on reviews of high end audio publications, for I do not want to make the same mistake when I bought Totem model one, Triangle Titus, Audio Research LS3B. All  of these  were a major disappointment for me. 

There is a VTL TL 2.5 available as well, for less then half the price tag of Aesthetix.
I have a Levinson 431 power amp that  will be paired with the selected preamp.

Anyone have any experiences with this Aesthetix and VTL?

I drove myself nuts trying to find a tube preamp that I was happy with.
Ended up realizing that I had to do the listening in my own system.  So in addition to my Atma-Sphere I borrowed another three similarly priced and well regarded preamps.  One was SS.
My decision.  I bought an absolutely amazing SS pre called the Line One from LKV Research.  Finally got the lack of distortion and noise I required and a near tube like warmth.  In fact the lack of noise on this preamp is like a black hole in space.  And the preamp is extremely adjustable with jumpers.  Look it up.  And while I liked the Atma Sphere I never found a tube combination that worked for me and I went through a least a dozen tubes trying to find quiet ones and the best sound.  In the end I gave up on tubes.

Didn’t catch your budget but when I was looking for a tube preamp to warm up my room I narrowed it down to Aric Audio - two options at $950 and $2700, and Maple Tree Audio at ~$1,000 or a little more depending on your options. I decided on the lesser expensive Aric preamp but his point-to-point wiring design has allowed even a novice like me to take it to a completely different level by putting in much better capacitors and tubes. After a good burn-in period after the upgrades, I put it up against a friend’s ARC LS26 in my system and with the exception of a tad better bass, the modded Unlimited preamp sounded as good if not even with a little better air around the vocals and the instruments. YMMV depending on your system. Just something to consider if esthetics (and brand) are not a priority.

Edited to add that I bought mine used for much less and the total cost for upgrading the tubes and the capacitors - Audyn Coppers, all per direct recommendations from Aric, were less than $150.

I bought Cary Audio SLP 05 preamp with upgrade about 4 months ago, that cost me just below $9000. When I turned it on, I was terribly disappointed but Mr. Bill Wright assured me that it will change after 100 hours. He suggested I leave preamp only on with some music playing, through the weekend (about 80 hours) and there was dramatic improvement. Over next week with regular listening, sound got better and now, I think it is fantastic. It has dynamics, clarity and musicality that I had not expected. I am very happy about the purchase. Currently, I am using the tubes that came with it (Electrolux), plan to try other tubes in future. Cary audio has 30 day trial (please check about this on their website). It might be an option for you.
I second the SLP-05 . I have had mine for 5-6 years and couldn't be happier . One caveat however , it sounds much better in single ended than balanced . YMMV . Good luck . 
VTL makes good equipment that sounds good. I’ve had a VTL 7.5 (first version) since shortly after it was issued and have had no problems. However, I would add that dealing with the company directly leaves something to be desired.