What is the best speaker for a small room 10X11

I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated listening room (WAF is not a factor), but I'm wondering if my Dunlavey SC3''s are the right choice... room is 10X11 with 9' ceilings..

I listen to a bit of everything, but most interested in jazz & blues.


VPI Aries/JMW 10/Shelter 501
Meridian 506/Monarchy DIP/Upsampler/DAC

Audio Research LS-7
(Supratek Syrah has been ordered)

McCormack DNA 0.5 (Upgraded by Steve to Rev. A)
Speaker placement and room dampening should suffice...I would experiment with this before investing in any new gear...to move beyond Dunlavy is no easy task...and more difficult since they went out of business...first off...if you have a hard surface...get a large rug...and a few rugs or sound absorbing materials on at least one side wall...start by by placing the speakers 4ft from the back wall...this should give enough depth...and most designers with first order networks recommend a listening distance of at least 6 ft...which would put your listening position at the other end of the room...and place the speakers 4-5 ft apart which should leave about 2ft or more from the sides...I wouldnt bother toeing them in...fire them straight forward...this will minimize side-wall reflections...dont waste money on an EQ...and I think u will be pleasantly surprised...your speakers also have another advantage...they are a sealed design...so the rear out of phase wave is dissipated quickly...ported designs might be problematic in this tight space...
I agree with forever above (and would like to apologize for my HD600 remark, as I know you have to live with this room....).
I especially like the idea of using a moderate-sized, QUICK-woofered 2-way monitor, VERY carefully set up in a near-field arrangement. This will allow you to erase the sidewalls (by sitting close to the speakers, and having them away from the sidewalls). Then move this "triangle" around to smooth out bass freq resp as best you can.
The Revel M20 would be an outstanding choice at $1500 or so; the Spendor S3/1p at $900...and a myriad of other sub-1K
2-ways with UNbloated bass.
Yes your room is almost overwhelmingly challenging. Be sure to "erase" it with wall-to-wall, stuffed furniture, sidewall damping, etc., to null out those early reflections, and again, move your triangle around to minimize aggregate bass nodes. You're basically accomplishing a pro near-field monitoring geometry...sprt-of a giant headphone (hence the Sennheiser quip isn't SO totally off!).
Good Luck...and stay away from big woofers...especially ported ones. remember that your ear/brain WILL fill in the bottom octave if the upper bass is quick and accurate.
Maybe even cheap Paradigm Atoms are an inexpensive experiment?
I had an opportunity to audition the new PMC DB-1 mini-monitors in a small dedicated listening room (12x10) and thought that they were very good. The bass was much more focused and they imaged wonderfully. At times could be on the bright side, but overall they are the best I have heard under 1k. If you are looking to spend more I would highly recommend the more refined ProAc 1SC.....
You already have the Dunlavys? If so, what specifically don't you like/want to improve? If not, have you listened to any speakers in this room and what were your results?
I'm not unhappy with the tonal balance of the room, just the imaging.... I'm working on isolating the sources better (just built a sand box topped with 1" stone plate for the VPI), but keep wanting more...

In terms of current placement, I'm currently working according to Cardas' recco's:
-golden rectangles (48 inches from back wall, 30 inches from side walls) &
-near field

I think the golden rectangle approach helped (although I use more toe-in than he reccomends), but I keep moving further back than the near field equilateral triangle...

Another tweak I'm using is the following:
Take a slightly out of square piece of MDF, put 4 woodscrews through it (so that they stick out about 3/4 inch). Put this thing screw side down on the carpet (spikes)... then I put 4 X #4 vibrapods over the screws & the speakers on top.

This helps with the imaging....

Thanks again for all your thoughts, keep 'em coming...
