Tekton Electron has been released

As expected, the Tekton Double Impact received a 5 star rave-up from Home Theatre Review. The reviewer made mention of a smaller version for those of us with smaller rooms. I shot Eric Alexander an email at about 8:30 last night and was surprised to receive a reply a few minutes later. He said that the scaled down version, which he named the Electron, had just gone live on his website a few minutes earlier.

I haven't heard any of his speakers yet, but I am really curious, especially about this one. I'm sure that conspiracy theorists will have plenty to say about the reviewer, and the weird patent (they already have savaged the patent, and I don't really blame them), but I am not as suspicious as some, and I think these speakers must be pretty good, or they wouldn't keep getting such enthusiastic reviews from users as well. I want to hear these speakers!  

@aniwolfe   Yes, not a fair fight or comparison.

Have you considered an external / software solution for room correction? That would allow for a more direct comparison.

The other would be to remove and turn the correction off in the Lyngdorf.

I have not considered external software and the reason is that I just want to get back to listening to tunes. I am a music person first. I have been experimenting too much and it is just too exhausting to continue. I did play both without room correction and they both were equally blah. 

Honestly if room correction didn't exist, then I would probably have kept the Primaluna and the Eminent Technology Speakers. At least with the Primaluna I can tube roll to fix tonal balance.

So if anyone is looking for a Primaluna Dialogue Integrated or Eminent Technology Speakers.let know :)
I just checked the Tekton website....don't see anything regarding 8" woofers and dome tweeters. Also the weight still shows 62 pounds.
It is here...

No wait, it says 6"...
But the picture is definitely with the 8" woofers and dome tweeters.

Why is power handling at 200 Watts with the Electron and 400 Watts on DI. ?