Stay away from the nad

Yesterday the right channel on my NAD C356 went bad just three months after the warranty expired.  75% of the sound shifted to the left. Just out of curiosity, did anyone had a similar problem? I contacted an authorized service center and their estimate was $400.00???
Anyhow, on Monday I will order Accuphase E-270 to put the end to the search for an Integrated amplifier.

Like many othef companies, NAD is made by the lowest bidder. PRODUCTION IS RUSHED TO TBE POINT MISTAKES ARE MADE. When I decided to but a second amp, I bought the 100 wpc 2200 PE. it seemed to have no distortion or coloration, but smeared all the instruments together as one. When it quit, my local Mac warranty repair guru, Terry Wyrick, told me there are two times people get excited about NAD, THE DAY YOU Buy IT,AND TBE DAY YOU GeT RID OF IT.


I am just curious, how would you call 3 amplifiers from the same manufacturer that failed a couple of months after the warranty expired.
I call it disposal electronics. I mentioned C275 and two C356's, but I forgot to mention M3 on which display went dead (but it did work). Five years ago
I paid $300.00 for the repair (replacement). The nad is relatively cheap compared to the other manufacturer and it has decent sound with the right
interconnects.Some people simply don't bother posting issues with the nad electronics. They just move on but I can bet you that every fifth owner of the nad gear had issues with their products. And yes, I call nad GARBAGE because I lost $3.000.00 in total. But there is another option. I will call nad the best manufacturer of the HI FI electronics if you are willing to cover my loss.

For those who are interested, Lenbrook America owns NAD and PSB distribution in the U.S.  The President is Dean Miller and his personal cell number is 310-200-8246.

I had an extended, and unpleasant, series of interactions with Mr. Miller regarding a pair of defective PSB Alpha B-1's.  Not only was the fake black ash vinyl peeling off the speaker cabinets, but the dealer overcharged a buddy of mine more than $100 when the speakers were purchased.  I forwarded copies of the sales receipt to Mr. Miller, who took a couple of weeks to "decide" on the matter.  Ultimately, he judged my concerns to be one of the handful of calls he gets annually from people who are "trying to get something from the company" because "you done me wrong..."  It would be hysterical fiction, but unfortunately, this is a true story.

I would find it very interesting to keep a tally on how many folks actually call Mr. Miller regarding the defective NAD or PSB products they have purchased, and see what the results of their calls are.  My guess?  He changes his phone number, ignores your calls, and sends me a cease and desist.  Meanwhile, I will run my signal through my CJ ET5 and Monoblocks to my PSB Stratus Gold i's (yup, you heard that right) and will always trust my ears.  You should, too.  Cheers.
Had same experience with Nad 955 amp. Looking at repair and upgrade costs, I simply decided to retire them. Realized how sterile and cold NAD sounds when I replaced T175 and t 955 with a single Marantz Sr 6011. My JMLab Cobalts are singing again. Major mistake going NAD. Stear clear.  Peace.
I have had three NAD integrated amps, one NAD pre-amp, and two NAD CD players for years.  The only problem I've ever had is that one of the CD players does not turn off, so I hooked it up to a circuit breaker.  In my experience, NAD components are reliable, affordable, and sound good.