Stay away from the nad

Yesterday the right channel on my NAD C356 went bad just three months after the warranty expired.  75% of the sound shifted to the left. Just out of curiosity, did anyone had a similar problem? I contacted an authorized service center and their estimate was $400.00???
Anyhow, on Monday I will order Accuphase E-270 to put the end to the search for an Integrated amplifier.

Maybe use a credit card,so you get an extended warranty.Most credit cards add 1 year to manufacturer's warranty and some add 2 years.So,you could have had a 3 year warranty.Maybe next time.$400 is crazy for that repair.I would say about $75 max.That's what I would charge and still make good profit.
I've found NAD to be Not Always Dependable. My T758 was bought as a refurbished, and 6 months out of warranty the DSP portion of the AM100 module failed. Thankfully my dealer had a used trade-in AM100 from a customer who updated to a newer version, and I got it a lot cheaper than the $400 price of a new one. To put $400 into a 1-1/2 year old $700 receiver would be a non-starter for me. I don't really trust this unit, but I'm stuck with it for a while.
I purchased a 3020 NAD in 1979.  It has moved across the country several times, lost a button,  has a cracked faceplate and sits in my garage -- it works flawlessly.  It has never failed.   It is regretful if newer NAD equipment has problems. 
Contact your dealer where you bought it from. Let he make an offer of service for you. I think it will work. Electronics die within one year is not normal. 
Accuphase is a big difference then NAD  
  Anyone know about the
NAD streamer.  I looked at it.  I Have no music servers