Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Not the "best" speaker I have heard, but for day after day long term listening my Acoustat 2+2 panels are really easy to enjoy. Alas, my wife and her interior designer have recently banned them from the living room. I still do not understand what is wrong with 8 foot panels in the living room?
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Tduffy1.....Terry, I too have a pair of Speaker Art speakers which I enjoy more and more as time goes by. Bob Gross is the gentleman who makes Speaker Art speakers and has been more than helpful with any questions I have had in the past. Excellent speakers that do most things quite well.
There is always some speaker better than other in some certain field. I have listened to the new Monitor Audio Platinum P300 recently and must say that these paint most holographic 3D soundstage that I have ever heard.
It would be interesting to hear others experience with the new platinum line.
I have three pairs of speakers, Vero Research Metornome and soliloqy, and the Acoustat 1+1s. I've owned the 1+1s for an amazing 9 years! I actually picked them up for a song and really had no clue how good they would sound. When i got them home and hooked them up, my ears were delighted. Granted, the lows are lacking with this speaker, but the mids and the highs are fantastic. I've tried a few subs with them and have not kept them. I fear that I will have to pay the piper to get a high-end sub to match these. They are in storage now, but when I moved into a condo from a house, I could not part with them even though I auditioned an array of speakers that I was hoping to replace them with. My second longest speaker which much like the 1+1s I obtained by trading a pair of McIntosh speakers for are the Soundwaves. They were a local Rochester, NY company which, like Acoustat, is no longer in business. These speakers really surprised me for all around depth. I use the two speakers in a Wilson style configueration as the metronomes have a slanted front and the Sols are wedge shaped. Everyone who has heard my set-up thinks that I paid over 5 to 7K for these based on the sound, and when I tell them that I traded for them they have to pick their lower jaw off of the ground! I have owned a slew of speakers in my day, from Bose, Klipsch, Thiel, Merlin, Mirage, Dunlavy, just to name a few. I found that a lot of manufacturers have really good hype surrounding their products and little substance. Ok I've rambeled on too much.