Looking for an used, inexpensive pre amp

Currently using a cheap but fairly nice sounding Dayton T120 D class amp.  Not enough inputs.  I would like to find a pre amp to use with this amp and perhaps at some point, if I can find the money, I can buy a power amplifier to replace the Dayton.

Figure my budget to be under $200 right now.  Looks like plenty of older inexpensive Solid State pre amps are available on Ebay.  

Any ideas what I should look for when buying a preamp?  I've only used Integrated amplifiers up to this point.  
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Great thread, the OP has only posted once and not come back ever!!

Cheers George
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I've been very busy with work and that is why I have not checked back in a while.  Gone from home an average of 14 hours a day and sometimes longer.  

Bought something on Ebay to tide me over for a while.  Got a working Yamaha RX 596 receiver which gets very good reviews.  Have now Bi Wired it to my Castle Conway 3 Tower speakers and I can't believe the detail and increased space around most of the instruments.  Hearing things I never heard with the Cambridge Audio amp I had for many years and it is a bit of an improvement over the Dayton.

Will still plan to upgrade though in a year or two when I have a little more money to spend.  Will likely look for a integrated amp instead of a pre amp and power amp now.  Ease of use and installation.