OK, Monitor Audio RX6 or Tannoy XT6F

Hello all. After selling off my "main" system before an anticipated move, the move part is in limbo now. So rather than listen to my very modest "back up" system indefinitely I am exploring a start from scratch project. Cornerstone for now will be a Musical Fidelity A3.2 integrated recently score here. Now, the speaker part. The 2 choices that keep popping up on my short list are the Monitor Audio RX6 and Tannoy XT6F. Both are highly rated and from what I read do justice to many styles of music. I listen to a lot of electric blues and classic rock. Any thoughts/input/comparisons on the 2 choices so far? I am in the market for used, not abused as well. Thanks all! PS. Zu Omen Mk II are orbiting as well but tend to be a bit more scarce....

williwonka, thank you too! Never heard Pro-Ac speakers in person but as many others I have read the laudatory reviews of them. I am scanning A'Gon daily for a good deal on used....
beernut, being from Potsdam area. , I hear you, but there is Ottawa and Montreal if you live near St Lawrence Valley.

However, the sheer overwhelming beauty of upstate NY makes everything
else seem petty .
Best kept secret in the world !
Schubert, you are correct. You forgot to mention the taxes :) I'm in Boonville. All the brick and mortar places anywhere near me (Rome, Utica, Watertown) have folded. So, I rely on advise and internet to do my research these days. Hope it doesn't snow up there. 
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