How good is the Technics 1200 Mk2 with all the KAb upgrades?

Guys while cleaning out my back room I found a new tech 1200 mk.2 that I bought years ago when kids were young- I forgot I even had it!!- It has pretty much all the KAB upgrades- How good a table is this compared to todays table- In other words how much would I need to spend to equal this table
If I keep it what upgrades would you recommend- thanks
I've heard them sound great. There are other upgrades that also take it to a higher level including bearing upgrade, platter upgrade(Mike New from Australia does what are some of the best, external power supply and Isanoe feet.
Alas Mike New was discredited when his platters were found to be warped -  not the earlier ones apparently.  To my knowledge no-one got a refund.  I bought his bearing on the strength of AOS recommendations but it was a total waste of money, and I upgraded to a bearing where the thrustpad was made from PEEK, a very hard species of teflon.  VPI now use this as well.
To OP.  The 1200 family are a pretty decent deck out of the box - just make sure you service the bearing. (PM me if you need help on this).  There are two fabulous features.  One is that it has a superlative Direct Drive motor, second is that it lends itself to all manner of tweaks.  These tweeks are meaningful and can be cheap.  They fall into three groups (1) further improving the speed, (2) anti vibration measures (3) tweaking or replacing the tonearm.  The 1200 can be a hobby that you can do one upgrade at a time and have a lot of fun in the process.  At the end you have a deck that can justify cartridges like the Ortofon Cadenza Black or better, (I have a Benz Wood).
Ok guys I found the build sheets- Here are the upgrades that were done-
Sl-1200mk.2SE, 78 mod, SL-1200 power supply, record clamp , strobe disabler, tone arm damper, 1200 LTD headshell, isolation feet, cushion feet,
tonearm rewire cardas- So there you are - What else needs to be done and how good is it with these upgrades- thanks so much for your input!!!
fluffers.. I find it difficult to type that !!!LOL

See my previous post, there is a lot of money in those upgrades, it's good to go, believe me. There becomes a point of diminishing returns, you could change the tonearm etc, but to be honest, I would not. Make sure the TT is isolated, make sure the records are clean and enjoy. 

Conversely, listen to the naysayers, keep it in the box , ping me...and i'll take off your hands! LOL

@fluffers Yeah, as @retrofunk said, that is pretty well loaded, go for it!

@andrei_nz Would love more info on the bearing you mention. My pal's Mike New platter and bearing are both excellent with no trouble for him; he bought them within last few years. Thought I read the Mr. New has stopped producing them or will only when a number pester him to make another small batch. BTW, nice post! Cheers,
It never ceases to amaze me when someone actually owns the piece of equipment and yet continually asks if it's any good rather than just listening.