Counterpoint NP-220 died:

What power amp should I use to fly my Egggleston Andra speakers?  I have had the SA-220 / NP-220 amp for years.  I listen for the emotion of music.  Any suggestions?

Try an Aesthetix Atlas. Hybrid amp with great sound and plenty of power like your Counterpoint
Check out the PS Audio BHK stereo and mono amps.  Hybrids with lots of power and excellent sound quality.
What’s your budget? That would help to narrow things down. Want tubes still (all tubes or hybrid?), or want to go over to ss?

Thanks for your responses.  I think I would like to stay with hybrid or go all tubes.  I'm a believer in how tubes shine an inner light into the recording and how the music sounds more emotional and realistic to me.  I have always afforded what ever I have needed to get the music to sing, however, great sound for lower cost is what makes it fun.  Under 5K is probably a starting point for me.