Conrad Johnson CT6 Teflon upgrade, anyone done/heard it?

As the title suggests I’m a Conrad Johnson CT6 owner, entertaining the idea of the C1 Teflon cap upgrade.

Has anyone done this upgrade or heard a CT6 which has had been Teflonated by the CJ team?


2nd Note shertzy-

over on Audio Asylum check out the Tweaks/DIY category.
Then look over 'CJ before and after' thread for a very sweet upgrade project by user : cjspu

He has older CJ gear and was still able to change out parts, update and upgrade for better sound.

Thanks for the heads up Jafant, the guy really went to town on those units, i like it! Something similar is brewing for mine, i have done a bit of research on components, matching etc etc and first stage will be bypass caps, as this was the initial upgrade to be performed by CJ, hope to get it nailed towards the end of the week. They will be teflon so it will take a couple more weeks to gauge the upgrade properly, d'oh!
Hi peeps,

Update on the CJ - It is now for sale, the idea of an upgrade seemed to to hit a wall of negativity from every angle, Jeff at CJ refused to reply to all my emails on upgrading or giving schematic : s I got in touch with 2 audio engineers to perform the upgrade, neither were interested or thought it a good idea. And what a colossal blessing this is was!

I just bought a modified Supratek Chardonnay pre, modded for 7193 tubes, Jupiter coupling caps, Lundhal transformers, Mundorf S/G/O in power etc and it rock the **** out of any other pre i have had in my system and many i have heard costing far more, in far better systems, i have never heard the stock so i cannot say if that is as good but the one is incredible! 

Happy ending!! : )
