Martin Logan CLS "Buyer's Guide" Question

I’ve wanted a set of Logan CLS’s since I first heard them back in the 1980’s and would like to start looking for a pair, but could use some help to know for sure that I’d be buying a good set. Would you guys please opine on these concerns?

- What do I look for in a decent set to avoid a ’lemon’?
- What is the difference in characteristics between ’generations’ of CLS (I, Ia, II, IIa, IIz...)
- How can I identify which generation of CLS I’m dealing with, and how important is it?
- Would there be any concern about age of panels, or if the panels are replacements?
- Would you recommend a different model of ML speaker, and if so - which one, and why?

My current equipment is:
McIntosh C28 (presently in use)
Krell KRC-3 (inbound...)
Bryston 4BST
Dahlquist DQ10
Polk PSW650

I hope to replace the DQ10s in favor of the Logan’s, but it’s helpful to know what I’m getting into beforehand, to avoid a costly mistake.

Thanks in advance!

Excellent exchange.  Thank you mofimadness for sharing such good info.  I have a lead on a pair from a nearby estate sale...but now it appears they are original CLS panels.  You've helped me intelligently evaluate what I'm looking at.
Thank you!!
I would like to add to the kudos already given to Mofi for his advise.  I think he steered the OP in the right direction given the age of the speakers and other considerations.  Having said that, as someone who loves those speakers and who came very close to buying a pair of original CLS's when they were current I would like to add some thoughts to the mix of great info here.  

I listened to the original CLS's at length and several times at local dealers (Sound By Singer mostly) and one aquaintance before deciding to go in a different direction (Maggies).  For whatever it may be worth I remember clearly that the original CLS was generally considered by reviewers and at least a couple of CLS owners I knew to be "the one" with the magic and that the changes to the speaker up until the introduction of the 2Z to be improvements in amp friendliness and tonal friendliness by being less ruthlessly revealing, but also being somewhat of a step backwards in some ways.  The 2Z seemed to strike the best balance between all those considerations.  Fantastic speakers!
Someone needs to mention that those  dq-10s are not even close to any decent modern speaker.   Good move on the Requests.   Your logic is wrong on the years of not being used not counting.  If they sound good then thats great but realize they are gonna need new panels at some point.  Those are speakers worthy of new panels for sure.
Enjoy them
Must say that I still like the original CLS best of all, assuming you have an amp that will drive the load - they just seem to 'disappear' more than the later versions do.  Glad they still offer panels for them - will probably need them some day - these were low use and should have some miles left unless the panels just 'age out' - do they do that?

I have a main system with regular dynamic drivers that is great for most things, but if I want to listen to violin or harpsichord, I head for the second system.
Panels can be rebuilt, per the ML Owner's forum.  I got in touch with the guy who does the work and he quoted $500 for a set of ReQuests with newer and better coating on the mylar and upgraded contact strips all the way around.  Not too bad, all things considered.