Bret D'Agostino passed away

Bret D'Agostino passed away on January 03, 2017. He was the president and head designer of Bully Sound Company (

I talked with him once at a show where he was demonstrating his amplification with Harbeth 30.1. He struck me as a very cool guy and preferred conversation over sales motivated pretense. I also like that he continued with class a amplification while that design's commercial presence shrinks. My condolences to his family and friends.
Dan is Bret's father.

Rest in Peace Bret. Out thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
The company was named for his beloved English Bull Terrier.
Deepest sympathies Dan and family on the loss of your son and brother.
I heard a pair of Bret's monos at a dealer in Ann Arbor and they combined excellent control of the speakers with that sweet and natural Class A sound.