Poor Man's 2 channel HT--advice sought

I am not interested in building a home theatre system at this time. But I am wondering if can upgrade the two-channel sound from my 13-year old 27" Proton TV, especially but not exclusively for DVD playback. Can I, for example, get a pair of PSB Alphas or Paradigm Atoms and drive them from my TV? Or use the TV's audio outputs to drive an old Harman Kardon receiver I have and use that to drive the speakers? Purely two-channel, no subwoofer, no AV receiver, no new formats, just upgraded stereo sound. I'd like it to be suitable for day-to-day TV watching as well. (TV is in a different room from my stereo system.)

Is this a dumb idea? If not, can anyone offer advice about how to proceed? I want to spend next to nothing on this project, by the way.

Thanks. /dan
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Thanks for your responses everybody.

I may not have positioned the thread quite as I intended. My mistake. Low cost is not the headline objective here. Simplicity is. I don't want HT, I just want better sound from my TV and its associated input sources. I can find the components at the prices I want, but I'm not sure how to design (architect) this system, that's what I was asking. Ezmeralda's comments were on the mark, thank you.

Keep it coming!
I agree with Avguygeorge. Get a cheap HIFI vcr a cheap receiver. And try PSB Image 2B's I have 2 Pair, Use one pair in my bedroom system which is 2 channel and use it for home theatre. Get stands for the speakers. The 2B's are $250-300.
Yes, it is a dumb idea. Your TV will never give you good sound because it lacks the power to drive the speakers properly. Even the newest Plasmas out there will not give you great sound with their so-called built in amps.

Two suggestions: One- take your PC speakers and create a real cool 5.1 set-up, or the other solution would be to do it right and get a dedicated power amp.

Cheers ears.