Micromega Stage 1 vs. Stage 3 vs. everything else in this list...

Recently picked up a Micromega Stage 1 cd player for $200 to go with my Creek 4330SE and Vandersteen 2c speakers. The Stage 1 sounds great. Smooth, warm, airy, musical, etc. I may have the opportunity to get a Stage 3. I'd of course sell the Stage 1. Cost for the Stage 3 will be anywhere from $400-$465. However, it comes with a new laser. For that price range, should I go for the Stage 3, or are there other options out there for the same price range (or lower) that will sound better than the Stage 3? Does anybody have experience with both of these players and the difference in sound quality between the S1 and S3? And, is the price worth it? I had a similar post regarding cd players and it got me thinking about other possibilities compared to the Stage 1. Someone had mentioned the Rotel RCD-1072, while another suggested the Rega Apollo. Other players I've been curious how they compare to the Micromega's about include the Rega Jupiter, Creek CD43 mkII, Oppo 83SE, Cal Audio Icon mkll PowerBoss, etc. 

Compared the Micromega Stage 1 to my buddy's Oppo 95 over the weekend. Both were connected to my Creek 4330SE. Both had identical cables and were tested using identical CD's. The CD contained all types of music from: Rush, Smashing Pumpkins, Beethoven Symphony #5, Mozart Mass in D minor, Styx and Ray Lynch.  

Test was done syncing both cd's to play a track at the same time. The only difference we really noticed was the volume level; the 95 being slightly louder in volume. Not certain if that's the S/N ratio or output voltage. The Stage 1's output voltage is 2v, couldn't find the spec on the 95. Once we adjusted the volume levels to match, it was really hard discerning one from the other. I was thinking the 95 would destroy the Stage 1. But overall, they were pretty much the same. I noticed the Stage 1 had a little more air around the voices and mid bass was fuller. Both had great low bass response and detail. Both had same imaging, soundstage, etc.

This makes me wonder what the Stage 3 would be like???  Or, how the 95 compares to the other players I've mentioned... Rotel 1072, Rega Apollo, Jupiter 2000, etc...   
I still love cd players as well, jsbach1685.

Is Micromega still in business? Seek out an authorized repair shop for this brand and with a little luck the player could be brought up to spec of a Stage 3 model.
Hi jafant, 

The guy I bought the Stage 1 from had gotten a Stage 3 in the meantime and I exchanged--plus some extra dough. 

OMG... the Stage 3 (S3) is absolutely phenomenal sounding. The Stage 1 sounded veiled by comparison, but yet still sounded really good; especially when comparing to the Oppo 95 and I actually preferred the Stage 1 due to it sounding more musical and "analog." The S3 on the other hand just opens everything up so much, yet retains composure of not sounding digital. Very smooth, very musical. My buddy and I are planning another test comparison between the S3 and 95 to see if there is a greater disparity--which there should clearly be.