what does a power conditioner really do?

and why would one really be necessary 
"Ive used a lot of different products in this category over the years, Tara Labs Power Screens were the best but they're NLA and hard to find used."

Good to know, I have one of those.

Anyone tried the LampizatOr Silk AC Filter?:


Sounds interesting...

Depends on the application and the quality of the unit.Audience 6TSSDOX is the best sounding unit in my system much better than in the wall.

@cousinbillyl 125V is perfectly reasonable.

115V is just what they call "Nominal" or "named" voltage. Equipment manufacturers must build to long term use up to 130V, I believe.

When we first moved into our house the voltage was 125.5 volts at all times. I borrowed a chart voltage movement. Then there were few houses around and our city's population was about 60K. Now it is 117K. The voltage now is right at 117 volts. 

I have a prototype of the HFC Waveguide Power Center. It has been updated to current specs. It keeps electromagnetic waves from getting into the components. There used to be much modulation on my ac but now there is none.