Looking for processor recomendations

I have been out the country the past six years and didn't keep up with audio/visual, I will be rebuilding my system upon my return at year end -- I sold most of my gear, (runco dlp420, Chord integrated amp) I still have my rel b3 sub, maggie 1.6's with cc3 and a Cary Cinema 7 amp from 2004/05. With all the new formats out I am looking for a new/used processor for home theatre with excellent 2 channel capability. Any recommendations? budget around 2k...
Do consider that if you just buy the Marantz new, you're done and up to date (for what THAT'S worth). Life is short. I've regularly seen 30+ % discounts online for the more desireable Marantz pieces, which might just end up looking pretty good $-wise vs. used, particularly if you really think through a projected resale scenario for down the road. Consistently reported to sound "warm", "musical", and simply pleasing for long term comfort, the better Marantz models do seem to have a place in a home which also contains gear with more inflated ambitions. Maybe that's all you really need for this application.
I have a chance to get a new Cary 11a for around 2k...below cost. I think this may be too good to pass up (or too good too be true)...

As much as would rather save some $$ and go with fully loaded Marantz, this one is hard to pass up.
Hey, you could be right on that one. Go for it if those ever-changing video related specs are up-to-date enough for you (and you've given careful consideration to who you may be trying to sell it to down the line, given the manufacturer-forced upgraditis that shapes this part of the market: my Denon 2930ci wuz ~$1500... sold to me, barely used, in mint condition for $225 delivered. Kinda scary, really).
That is a great buy on the Cary 11a. I had it narrowed down to the Cary 11a or the Anthem D2. I think you will be happy with either one. Try the Cary before you buy if possible, it's supposed to be buggy. But at that price you may be able to live with it.
I secured a new Cary 11a one for 2k USD...silver faceplate to match my older cinema 7 amp. At this price, I can live with paying the extra 500 bucks over the feature laden Marantz. Also, found out from Cary that for 595, the software and hardware can be upgraded to support 3D and hdmi 1.4...which in this market will make it future proof for about 2 weeks...