advice on projectors and screens


I want to add video to my system for concert/music videos and know very little about it. I am looking for 2 channel for now so not really looking for audio advice, just video. I envision a ceiling mounted retractable screen of 80-100 inches and a projector. If you look at my system I see a screen hanging down in front of the speakers. I can make the room completely dark if needed.

I don't want to invest a lot of money but have no idea how much I need to get decent performance. My priority is sound quality which I already have but what will suffice for video?

How much do I need to spend on a projector and what are the specs that are most important for music videos?

Same question for screens.


Hey Larry, well, uh, it is well recorded but I can't seem to get into it. I do like that genre but in a word I would say it is boring. I tried a few listens but so far it falls flat with me.

I generally agreed with your suggestions and the demo stuff you played at Nicholson's so I'll give it another try at some point.

It may be that it simply has no allure for you, that can always happen.
But, when I go into my, fantasy world of music, with an almost meditative state, I can smell the liquor, hear other people around me, and simply believe that I'm in that club at 2:00am.
The songs, "When October Comes" a masterful poem by Johhny Mercer, that his wife found in his desk after he'd died, then wrote to Barry and asked if he'd put a melody to it...sort of captures my imagination.
"Big City Blues" a duet with Mel Tormé, the duet with Sarah, Mundell Lowe, and Gerry Mulligan playing riffs...I simply love it...but KNOW that not everyone will.
I go through periods of love with it...then put it on the shelf for months, then drag out and meditate to music...I love it, Herm.

Good listening,

no, after researching it I decided I didn't want to spend the money right now that would be needed to get a decent system. As I inch toward retirement I seem to get more and more frugal.

cute kid you have there

Buy a used FPJ1 or JVC2 for a grand.
Dalite High Power for the same.
Blueray for $100.
Tie it into an existing audio set up.
Killer theatre.