Cary SLM-100 amplifîer upgrade question

Longtime reader but first time poster. Current system is Vincent SP-331 amp (150wpc @ 8 ohm, 300wpc @ 4 ohm) and NAD C165BEE preamp- both less than a year old, driving a pair of Martin Logan Aerius speakers. Listening rooms were prewired for speakers using 12 gauge wire pre-construction and the speakers are roughly 25' away from the amplifier. I have a friend selling a pair of Cary SLM-100 monoblocks @ 100wpc vintage 1997, and I'm wondering if I should pull the trigger and get them. Auditioning is not an option due to logistics. What do you guys think? Will it be an upgrade given my set up. Even though the Vincent is a hybrid amplifier this will be my first full-tube amplifier experience and I'm particularly curious about the effect of the (long) distance between the Cary amplifier and the speaker. The current set up sounds excellent and I really don't have much complaints but I'm thinking it could sound even better with a high powered tube amplifier with some good pedigree.

Appreciate input from folks who have experience with these particular Cary amplifiers.

P.S. Anyone has any thoughts on what is a good price for a pair of Cary SLM-100 monoblocks? These are the chrome plated models in excellent condition and my friend bought them new for $4000 back in 1998.

Sorry, poor choice of wording for the title. I meant to say upgrading to Cary SLM-100 vs. upgrading them.
I’ve never listened to any of the Vincent equipment but that being said I’d be very tempted to buy the Cary’s and later sale the amp you like less. I do know the Aerius well and I bet the full tube magic will be a smart move. I’ve listened to many hybrid amps from ARC and Counterpoints and never been overwhelmed by them; always felt a really good solid state or tube amp always excelled. Part of the fun of this hobby is experimenting with equipment and I think that how one learns about gear. If you can buy the Carys right go for it.

Check to see what retubing the amps will run as well. Upscale Audio can help you on tube cost and them being a Cary dealer can give you an idea of what a fair price is. If it has a fresh or fairly new set of tubes I’d guess $1800 and if you need to buy new tubes subtract that cost or most of it. If he has the original packaging that will add value. Just remember they’ll run warmer so if you live where it’s hot or have a small room that may be an issue and you’ll have tube replacement cost over the years.

I’ve always preferred tubes on the earlier ML speakers so who knows. Shipping cost might bite you so weigh that in as well. They Carys will likely hold their value much better than Vincent hands down. If you do make the move, get longer power cords and keep the amps closer to your speakers if you can. Be warned you may find out your NAD will not be in the same league sonic wise.

Good luck

Thanks for the input. Couple of clarifications on my original post. I have seen and heard the Carys but won't be able to audition them in my own house. Shipping is not an issue since it'll be local pickup. In fact I bought the Aerius speakers from him and he was running them with the amps using an Audible Illusions M3 tube preamp which he's also planning to sell. His set up is completely different though. He had all this equipment crammed in his relatively small basement with low ceilings. My listening/living area is a 20'x20' room with almost 20' high ceiling and I was shocked by how much better the Aerius speakers sounded in my house vs. his basement. I can't say how much of the improvement was due to my room size or my Vincent/NAD combination. That's the dilemma. Finally, it'll be a challenge trying to keep the amps close to the speakers unless I completely rearrange the room and that would require having to make a choice between the amps or the wife! Oh, he mentioned he'd retubed the amps roughly six years ago.