Need recommendation for center channel speaker

I am looking for a modestly priced center channel speaker that is less than 20" wide. Budget around $200. Any recommendations? Thanks for your help.
Elevick's comments are on point: you need to match the sonic signature of the centre channel as closely as possible to the LF and LR speeakers.
Obviously the same speaker brand matching would be the strong main choice preference.

Big caution:

Blindly choosing a c/c solely based on a low budget $$ pricepoint AND at the exclusion of the point highlighted above will likely create a result ranging from thedisappointing to completely irritating.
Then PSB is your logical and focused c/c choice .... full stop.

You need to use a rifle qnd not a shotgun approach.

Why would you knowingly take on the risk ffor an extremely high probability of a material Lf-CC-RF speaker sonic signature mismatch; with an introduction of low-budget non-PSB centre channel speaker that likely destroys the whole front seamless imaging array?