How important for surrounds to match fronts?

I'm getting aerial 10t's and an aerial center . Was thinking of klipsch ksp s-6 for surrounds since the aerial surrounds are out of reach
Rmichael21, I'm not sure if you are still interested in answers, but in the event that you are, I'll add mine.

I think the answer to your question depends on the value you place on your HT experience. The more value (and means) you place on your HT experience, the more likely you are to value the timbre matching in the surrounds.

My interest in HT is mostly casual; I like it but any extra funds I have usually go into my 2 channel system. My surrounds are not timbre matching and I'm good with that.

Having said this, a recent experience is causing me to rethink the need for timbre matching surrounds. Earlier this spring, I caught the bug and decided to "upgrade" my L/R mains; but, I decided to keep my existing center channel. While I'm quite pleased with the stereo sound in my new speakers, the surround sound experience can be frustrating at times. The only reason I know this is because I used to have timbre matched speakers across the front. Now I'm wondering what my experience would be like if I was accustomed to five timbre matched speakers instead of three.
I had 3 identical speakers across the front and 2 smaller timber matched for the rears. I upgraded the 2 fronts for stereo and now waiting for the matched center and rears to arrive. For me, I like everything to match sonically and visually. The biggest improvement I noticed was upgrading my pre/pro, amps and source though.