New Oppo BDP-95 better than the McIntosh MVP-881?

For the money, the 29 lb. McIntosh MVP-881 Universal Blu Ray player is one of the biggest rip offs in Blu Ray DVD history.
Looking inside the unit reveals not much under the hood for
$ 8K. The power supply is skimpy and it has three cooling
fans. One on the bottom, one on the rear, and one on the inside. Very, very hot! What I call Scrooge engineering.
The Mac uses the Sabre32 ESS9016 24x Dacs. Five total. The new Oppo BDP-95 coming out in February uses the Sabre32 ESS9018's 32x Dacs. Two total with a beefy power supply, selling for $ 1K. I hope the Oppo knocks the hell out of the McIntosh, Marantz, Denon, Ayre, and Lexicon Universal players selling between $4 and $10K. For McIntosh to put out a player that is hotter than any other high end player
on the market, is a sign that their engineering has gone down hill and their glory days are over.
How do you figure that? unless you use hdmi!but with no analog outs(for us legacy users ) defective RBG( which works best with my tv) and no balanced outs for the 2channel audiophile in me! sorry to bust your bubble, but for streaming I do hear its outstanding and for a non reference picture the tweakable settings seam to be favored by non-purist, beyond that its not in the 95's class for analog playback for which it exist!