old classic phono cartridges

Is there any market for used (some working, some not) classic phono cartridges?  I have still have a fair portion of my old units and wondered if they had any value.  I've got::
Lyra Clavis
Grado Ref Master
AQ 7000
Madrigal Carnegie One
Linn Akiva
(I thought I had a Monster Alpha2 as well but can't find it at the moment)

Ag insider logo xs@2xrparker
I would definitely send the Clavis back in for retipping and any other thing it needs. Its a great cartridge ... and not many can touch it on reproducing the piano accurately. Pay the extra bucks and have Lyra do the repairs. 
Recently sold a Micro Acoustics 630 for about $300 to a European (German) buyer. Stylus/tip was in good shape, but the rubber dampers (who knows)? These used a beryllium stylus and pure gold wiring.

Looked into re-tipping but very few if any re-tippers would tackle the job. Replacing the dampers was the main sticking point.