Phoenix, AZ

The Arizona Audio Video Club began life as the Arizona Audiophile Society in 1985. The name was changed a few years back to more accurately reflect the varied interests of the members. The club meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month, at various locations in the greater Phoenix area. We occasionally schedule special interest meetings, with topics such as music listening, equipment evaluations, tech workshops, etc. Members receive monthly newsletters, either as hard copies or by e-mail. Members also enjoy discounts on purchases at several of the local audio and HT specialty stores. For more information, check out our website at
I moved to Northwest Phoenix in the last month and would be interested in joining. I am also in need of advice on a tech to repair a pair of VTL 250 Signature amps. Any info or assistance would be appreciated, Thank you.
Dan McMannis
Hi Dan...welcome to the valley. Send me an email and I'll have our club's membership chairman contact you.

There is an excellent audio equipment repair business in the south valley called The Audio Doctor. I have been very satisfied with the work he has done on several pieces of my gear. You can find his website by searching for audio doctor phoenix. If you remind me, I will send you his phone number via email.

Our January club meeting will be at 7 PM at the Airport Hilton Hotel on the 25th. Bill Cassaday will be demonstrating his Kokopelli 3Ti omnipolar-reflecting loudspeakers, which he designed and builds. This meeting is open to all who would like to attend. Non AAVC members please contact me for more info.
See you there!
Come one, come all --Club members and guests, that is!Wednesday, Feb 29th. One of the very few true high-end audio stores left in Arizona, Esoteric Audio, owned and operated by Gary Hjerpe, will be demonstrating their wares, including Rockport's Mira and Aquila speakers, Revel Salon, PSB, and others. Also the Wadia 9 digital decoding computer, and VTL MB-450 Mk. III poweramps, along with equipment from Mark Levinson, Boulder, Denon, JVC, Music Hall, and many others.

As usual, refreshments will be available and we'll have a kick-ass raffle.

The address is 17442 N 28th St., Phoenix 85032; that's a few blocks north of Bell on the west side of 28th Street. We'll have our Club sign out and visible from the street. Gary's new store resides in a very nice custom designed and built room, the best he's ever had, IMO. 7PM until Gary and Pam evict us. :-)

See you there!
The April 25th (Wednesday at 7PM) meeting will be held in central Phoenix. Audio Video Choices will be demonstrating their NewClear amp, which is their OWN design. Bob-O bought one a while back and is SUPER impressed with it, so this will be a thrill-ride! Make time to attend so you won’t miss out. Non-members please RSVP for directions/availabilty.