What is your favorite Mozart symphony?

Most people would agree that the last three symphonies of Mozart (no. 39 -41) would be his greatest symphonic compositions. But it is so interesting to realize the perspectives on this subject from conductors. In one interview, Karl Bohm stated that Symphony No. 9 in C major has the originality of some later great works. Another case is Eugen Jochum who performed Symphony No. 33 in B falt major (121 times) more than Symphony No.40 (60 times) or Symphony No. 41 (87 times) in his career.

It would be equally or more interesting to collect your opinions. What would be your favorite Mozart symphony? What would be your most admired performance/recording of that composition?

Happy Listening!

Yes, sometimes it is very difficult for professional musicians to turn off the critical side of themselves when listening to music. Fortunately, I can usually do this when I am sitting down to listen for pleasure, in the sense that I don't necessarily listen just to my own part. But, as my teachers all said, one can and should learn something every time you hear anyone play - even if it is only one more way not to do it - so that side of our listening is really never turned completely off.

We also have to spend so much time listening for study that there is often not a big block of time available to listen for pleasure. For me, this generally happens in the summertime, and perhaps during the holiday season, when most musicians do get some vacation time, around and after all the holiday concerts.

The thing is, as I have preached on this site many times before - the more study one does of music, the more one enjoys it when one is listening for pleasure. The knowledge always increases the pleasure of listening, and this can often more than balance out the inability to turn off the critical ear.
No. 41, performed by Klemperer/Philharmonia and Szell/Cleveland, though I pefer the Piano Concertos, Clarinet Concerto, Sinfonia Concertante and a number of his chamber works over the Symphonies. My favorite Mozart piece is the String Quartet No. 20, the "Hoffmeister".