Review: Meitner MTR-101 Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

Meitner 101- Comes with completely enclosed mahogany cabinet, multi rod cooling fins. Very high quality parts and meitner power supply technology used in these units. Excellent electrical characteristics afford very tight bass with huge reserve power for dynamics found in classical music. Warm to neutral midrange, that is controlled and not irritating. Wonderful soundstage, picking up most details of more complex music. The size does not dictate performance. Power handling doesn't tell the story. These are fantastic amps, still being serviced by the designers, Ed Meitner and John Wright. Can now be found at EMM Labs at 403-225-4161.
It's good to know that we should "never buy any products you haven't listen to extensively".
Since Tupperz has "listen to extensively" to the Meitner, I for one, would welcome more info on his experience with this product. Specific musical passages, system (source, speakers), his musical tastes -- yes, maybe even comparisons with other amps. Cheers
My philosophy is, if you're going to ask of someones's time by prompting them to click on your thread, then at least do them the courtesy of taking the time yourself to make your thread a worthwhile effort. A'gon has no guidelines suggesting anyone should treat a review as an boost ego, AV_specialist, but that's what seems to be most of your motivation here. I realize Audiogon 'reviews' are free, but that doesn't mean we want to spend time clicking and reading an 'article' no one would be interested in buying. Sorry to sound so pissy, but after being shortchanged by enough of these lazy attemts at reviews (seemingly written only to enter the contest, or else why bother?), I begin to lose patience at a certain point. I've already put more sweat into my responses than is on display at the top. Both Tupperz and AV_specialist are probably more than capable of writing an interesting and informative review of this relatively uncommon product, but we're still waiting for it. Is it any wonder this thread never really garnered any response? Audiogon's forum is only as good a place to spend time as we try to make it.
I have the Meitner MTR-101 monoblocks. Leave them on all the time, run cool, sounds nice, looks great. Materializes dinner for me once in awhile and seconds as a holodeck chamber on dull nights. When I ask to be transported to a smokey nightclub featuring a jazz quartet, my girlfriend, also materialized from the meitner unit, makes me wash my clothes to eliminate the smokey smell. Now thats a realistic soundstage!
Gee Zaikesman, I guess your time to read a review is worth more than most other's to write one. If that's the case, I'd rather keep my opinions to myself. Thanks for your encouragement to contribute.
AV_specialist: I don't know you from Adam (at least not that I'm aware of), but acknowledge that you can do and say what you like - I'm open-minded and thick-skinned. But it does seem strange that as of right now, you have a grand total of all of TWO threads in which you have contributed to this forum, and BOTH of them basically amount to attempts at rebuttals directed squarely at ME. Now, what in the heck might up with that?! Well, whatever floats your boat - no matter. When you have spent even a fraction as much time (whatever your time is worth to you) as I have in contributing to this forum, then please feel free to come back and jump on me for presuming to comment on another member for giving me only a tease for my own time. Until then, please do us all a favor and try to come up with some stuff that's a little more relevant and interesting (not to mention diversified), OK? How's that for encouragement to contribute?