Maplenoll Apollo turntable belt size

Attention Maplenoll Apollo turntable owners - can someone please let me know the belt size!!! Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you,
Start here. Maybe contact LP Gear to make sure, but I think one of the belts they sell will work on the Apollo too.
Give me a few days and I'll find out. The dude that bought my Ariadne 6 years ago should be able to measure the belt. We still email each other occasionally.
Thanks Mofimadness for the information. I will try LP gear, but from my research, they only sell the Ariadne belt, but not the Apollo.
Dork wad - thank you very much. Just to make sure, the Apollo had a different size belt than the Ariadne.
Thanks you both for taking the time and for the input!!!!
Good to see another apollo owner, not many of us out there. Unfortunately, my apollo has an outboard motor so the belt is different. However, if you have the old belt, measure the length and the width, and thickness and then you can probably find the belt size or one that is slightly smaller. i have used several companies trying to replace belts over the years.

Here are a couple i have had success with.
Thanks much for the links. The motor in my table is built into the plinth next to the platter, so I need about 34" long belt. Ceitron does carry this size, so, viola, problem solved. Thank you again Oilmanmojo for the input. Now all I have to do is to wait for the belt arrival and figure out how to run this monster.